Wednesday, August 29, 2001

PTC voters should OK Braelinn Arts Center bond

Finally! In a move long requested by the many arts organizations in Peachtree City, the city has put on the bond issue the purchase of the Braelinn Baptist Church campus for badly needed space for classes, practices, rehearsals and other needs.

This campus is ideal in that the classrooms have movable walls allowing adjustments in usable space for different groups, storage space for ongoing event planning, and most important, an auditorium seating 600 persons. This auditorium will provide a tremendous venue for performance groups, meetings and a wide variety of other uses. For the teens in our city, since the seats are removable, it could provide a gathering place for our young people for dances and other wholesome activities.

Many of the organizations using the building would gladly pay a fee for the use of the rooms and auditorium. At the present time there is no reasonable facility for performances during the colder months and, obviously, an indoor facility would greatly enhance the presentation of concerts and plays.

As the campus now stands, little, if any, renovation needs to be done to make the property usable. Ample parking is already in place and will not be anymore of a hindrance to the surrounding homes that is already taking by a church facility.

As the director of the Peachtree Wind Ensemble Community Band, our local community band residing here in Peachtree City, I have toured the building and I can state that this campus is certainly an almost instant solution to the problem many of our arts, crafts, drama, dance and other groups have been putting up with for years.

Our concert band, made up of your neighbors and friends have been rehearsing and performing for the citizens of Peachtree City and Fayette County for 11 years. During that time we have had to search for and change our rehearsal site over 15 times. Four times in 2001 alone! We have not been able to present an indoor concert in an adequate concert hall but once in that 11 years, and, ours is not the only performing group with this problem.

Therefore, speaking for the 50 members of our concert band, and the many other organizations looking for a permanent home, I strongly urge the voters to vote yes on the bond issue coming up in the general election in November.

A citizenry that allows the grass roots arts to suffer and dissipate only hurries the day when civilization will lose its humanity.

Vote yes in November!

Bob Lancette, Director

Peachtree Wind Ensemble Community Band

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