Wednesday, August 29, 2001

Time for Wellman to take stand on something

Is it possible to run as a mayoral candidate in Peachtree City without ever taking a stand on one issue? Fred Wellman is running that kind of a campaign.

What did he say in his 500-plus-word letter to the editor (I am sorry, I just had to count them) about the effect Wal-Mart and Home Depot will have on "the small business economic landscape of our city"? He said that, if elected, he would gather people together to hear ideas and "craft a plan."

He has over two months before the election. If he actually cared about these businesses, he would get those people together tomorrow, discuss the issues, and craft a plan BEFORE the election. We need to know what his "plan" is before we give him our votes.

Perhaps Fred could include the person who owned the Ace Hardware store at Thomas Crossing, a few miles down the street from the Newnan Home Depot, in his discussions. If we could find him. Perhaps the person who owns the Coweta Auto Parts store, now located in the defunct Ace Hardware building, might know where he is.

Nothing outside of a community effort is going to save Reed's Ace Hardware on Ga. Highway 54, the same Ace Hardware that has served us all these years. I buy everything I can from Ace and whatever they do not have, I buy from Lowe's. I have boycotted Home Depot since the day they forced their way into Peachtree City and always will. No amount of meetings will save Ace. Only people with buying patterns like mine will preserve Ace and Gilroy's.

It is time for Wishy Washy Wellman to step up to the plate or go sit in the dugout. He's had enough time in the on-deck circle.

Tell us what you think about future annexations, about rezonings, and your opinions about all the bond issues on the ballot. And most important, what will you do about the traffic nightmare on Hwy. 54? I drove to White Oak to play golf last week and the cars coming into Peachtree City were backed up past Fisher's Road.

Fred Wellman is being "attacked" because he refuses to take a stand on ANYTHING. We want to know what he is going to do, not that, if elected; he will bring people together and talk. That is fine on future issues, but what will he do about the issues facing PTC today? Batter up.

Bill Webster

Peachtree City)


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