Wednesday, August 29, 2001

Hecht's redistricting vote forfeits voter trust

Greg Hecht is either out of touch with reality or is an outright lying political opportunist that cares only for his own skin.

It is bad enough that he went along with the Democratic leadership and divided Georgia's voters up like they did in the reapportionment process, but to have the audacity and nerve to publicly put on a pretense that he really thought he was doing what was best for the people of Fayette County is absurd.

Greg is typical of most liberal politicians of our current generation in that he thinks he can be like Bill Clinton and Al Gore and tell any lie he wants to and get by with it.

One problem he may have locally is that some of our local media are not locked in step with the liberal agenda and so they don't help the local lying politicians with their spin on the facts.

Greg, you may have been given a district you can win, but you have forever lost trust and integrity in your brazen and shameless attempt to pretend you have any interests of the citizens of Georgia ahead of your own obvious, selfish, self-centered, and self-serving interests.

I had little respect for you before because of your associations with the party of hate, division, socialism and Boy Scout bashing, but you have crawled to a new low with your current touting of the horrible reapportionment mess you have wrought on the voting citizens of Georgia, and Fayette County particularly, as something you are proud of.

Gene Harrison



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