Wednesday, August 22, 2001

Wellman: We must prepare for Wal-Mart, Home Depot in PTC

I wrote to this paper two weeks ago about the tone of the debate in Peachtree City and my belief that it is the true cornerstone issue we face. I have been gratified to hear from so many citizens who agree with me and have offered their support in the face of more examples of the same smearing and attacks. Today I wanted to address the second issue we need to consider as the election approaches: The coming arrival of Wal-Mart and Home Depot and the effect they will have on the small business economic landscape of our city.

I believe wholeheartedly that small business is the true fabric and backbone of a city. These businesses are our friends and neighbors. They support the community in too many ways to count, from creating employment opportunities to providing thousands of dollars in charitable support to our schools, civic organizations and community efforts. Without a rich small business community, our town would lose its vitality and become nothing more than one more slice of faceless "Generica."

There have been hundreds of discussions about the coming of Wal-Mart and Home Depot, focused on stopping them or pointing fingers. It is time to face reality and begin preparing for their arrival. We cannot afford to throw our hands in the air and accept the doom and gloom predictions of failing businesses and economic ruin.

Through West Point, Ranger school and as an Aeroscout in the Gulf War, I learned first hand that good leaders have a plan. Today as a professional project manager, I constantly tell my clients that we must build a comprehensive plan to succeed. The bottom line for our city is the same; we must have a total plan for dealing with the economic changes we face.

The Chamber of Commerce and Fayette Development Authority are already putting together an admirable program to address the needs of our small businesses. I believe the missing piece is a coordinated agenda tying together the many ideas and experiences available to us in our community with the best minds of the economic development community and our governmental leaders.

If you elect me mayor, I will immediately partner with our own Development Authority, the Fayette Chamber of Commerce, the Fayette Development Authority and our business owners to host an economic summit meeting. Together we will examine the issues associated with the changes we face and how other communities have succeeded in similar circumstances. We will craft a plan and move forward as a community.

Once in office I will join with the Peachtree City Development Authority and business owners to host periodic free evening meetings of a new Peachtree City Small Business Roundtable. Through this organization our business community will get the opportunity to talk directly to their elected and appointed officials and address their concerns and issues in a positive, open atmosphere.

Together we can help ourselves and thrive. If we work as a community and support our local businesses they will succeed and we will be better for it. It all comes down to one belief that "United we stand, divided we fall."

Fred Wellman

Peachtree City

[Wellman is an announced candidate for mayor of Peachtree City. The Citizen welcomes letters from candidates for all local offices and from citizens commenting on the candidates and issues raised. We will print the letters from candidates and a representative sampling of others subject to standard editing practices for length and conformity to libel laws, until the week before the election.]

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