Wednesday, August 8, 2001

Spare us doctor's ramblings

I read Gunther Rückl's article (July 25) twice. The first time I read it I was frustrated and angry at his anti-U.S. message. The second time I just felt pity for the people around him who have to endure his endless negativity. Both times I lost (no, I never received) a clear message on the deficiencies of our U.S. healthcare system and his all-knowing specific recommendations to improve our "greed-driven" U.S. system.

His recommendations got lost and in the process took over a half page of the newspaper by citing obscure sources (USA Today articles from 1991?) and despicable generalizations of people in the U.S. These generalizations ranged from our corrupt government (European countries should be the model for capitalism? - comical. No corruption in Europe or no greed within the EU? - hilarious!), our religious beliefs, our arrogance, our ignorance and on and on.

It is obvious from your blatant listing of credentials that you have an educated background. It is disappointing that you diluted a worthy topic (oh yes - children's healthcare coverage), embarrassed your profession and wasted all of our time with your intellectual contradictions and negative babbling. I am fairly confident that you take it upon yourself to dazzle your friends and family with such rhetoric. You definitely proved yourself wrong on one point freedom of speech is alive and well, as evidenced by your letter being printed.

I will cut myself short and stop focusing on what you wrote to make my point. My message is to you and anyone else is this. If you have something of value to say, which contributes to the betterment of the Fayette County community, then say it and move on.

I read this newspaper in an attempt to stay abreast with our community's current affairs, not to read that sort of stream-of-consciousness negativity. Provide tangible and viable alternative solutions; save the rest for a Jerry Springer audience.

I can see it now: Controversial German doctor who is a self-proclaimed expert on all U.S. social, political and economic problems. It would definitely have to be a two-hour program.

Also, my message to the powers that be at The Citizen: spare us from his sort of letters that lack substance and contribute nothing. If you are in need of material to fill space, then insert excerpts from famous books, speeches or poetry. Sorry to have taken up everyone's time but his letter was too arrogant and painful to bear without comment.

T. Whitson

Peachtree City

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