The Fayette Citizen-Weekend Page

Wednesday, July 25, 2001

Library's annual concert features prominent baritone

Accomplished bass/baritone J. Robert Adams and pianist Sandra Lutters will fill the bill for Fayette County Public Library's annual summer concert Thursday.

They will perform at 7 p.m. in the Dorothea Redwine meeting room. The concert is free.

Adams will perform music by Beethoven, Caldara, Brahms, Shubert, Hayes, Boatner, Griffes, Quilter and Rachmaninoff.

He is a professor of applied voice at Elizabeth City State University in Elizabeth City, N.C., and was the 1994-95 president of the Alabama chapter of the National Association of Teachers of Singing.

He was selected to attend the Christa Ludwig Singer's Master class at Carnegie Hall, N.Y., and was a regional finalist for the MacAllister Award in Atlanta.

He also has performed with the Nashville Symphony Orchestra, Rome Opera Festival and studio Lirico of Italy, and premiered/featured a winning composition at the National Convention of the National Association of Teachers of Singing, where he represented the Southeast region.

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