Wednesday, July 25, 2001

Dentists keep us waiting, but don't dare keep them waiting

We all have to face little ups and downs; that's just life. Sometimes some of our doctors and dentists refuse to accept these ups and downs and charge us for being late or missing an appointment and never mention how many times we have been kept waiting for them.

We recently had to change dentists because of our new insurer. Our new dentists' group is close but they would not do a cleaning the first visit, only an exam.

I did not have a car so I got a friend to arrange her schedule to be able to take me. We got there about 15 minutes early and I filled out the required paperwork. My friend and I were talking and people kept coming in and being called back. Finally after a hour I went to the desk. I could see the emergency sheet was empty, so I waited until someone came to see what I wanted.

When they finally came and I told her I had been waiting an hour, she said she was so sorry, they had forgotten me. During the exam the dentist told me I had gingivitis. He said I needed to use a fluoride toothpaste ($11) and a [special] toothbrush, over $100. I bought the toothpaste only. I also needed a lot of other work done, he said. I made an appointment for the next week.

My daughter went next and he told her she had peritonitis, that she needed the same toothpaste, toothbrush and also a mouth rinse. My husband happened to be with us and we decided to take her for a quick second opinion. He tells us she may have a little gingivitis but using Mentadent toothpaste would cure that.

We immediately realized that what was on the dentist's mind was the condo in Miami he and his staff were discussing while he was doing his exam. I forgot about my appointment until two hours before it. I called and told them I would not be back. She told me I would be liable for a $45 fee. I told her I had not agreed to any such fee and since they had kept me and my friend waiting for an hour my first visit because they forgot me I should not have to pay it. They have now run the bill up to $98 charging me an $8 statement fee each time.

None of us make our appointments with the intent to be late or to not keep them. It would become evident pretty quickly if we made a habit of it also.

So why do SOME of them think they must be treated like Gods?

Rachael Reagan

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