Wednesday, July 25, 2001

Abortion decision is not so simple and not so safe

This letter is in response to Suzanne Sports' letter to the editor July 11. I am convinced that men such as Father David Epps (in The Citizen Review, July 6) does very much understand what an agonizing decision it is to seek an abortion and the horrific circumstances that accompany it. Also, along with that he fully recognizes that abortion is the taking of a human life.

If you were a woman that approached him for counseling in the aftermath of having had an abortion, I feel he would counsel you with much understanding, compassion and love.

Yes, it is true that abortion is legal in this country, but safe? The medical clinics that perform abortions and the procedures themselves are the most unregulated medical services in this country.

A bill that is trying to help women in their decision to have an abortion has been voted down in committee meetings before it ever reached a vote on the [Georgia] House floor. It fared no better in the Senate.

The Right to Know bill requires a 24-hour waiting period before a woman can have an abortion, and abortion providers must supply women with four things: common-sense information about the abortion procedure, the name of the doctor, the responsibility of the baby's father to support his child, and that prenatal care is available if she wants to have her baby.

If a woman were going in to have an appendectomy, she would receive more information about that procedure than what this bill would require (Georgia Citizen, Vol. 5, #2, June 2001). The treatment of this bill by our legislators sounds to me like a society that has no understanding nor compassion for the woman involved.

Abortion is not a simple medical procedure with little ramification physically, mentally or spiritually, and yet abortion supporters want it legal, but want little done to truly make it safe and allow a women to make a informed decision about what having an abortion involves.

Denise McWaters


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