Wednesday, July 18, 2001

EMS response time means lives saved

Let's take an objective look at EMS services and response time. When I started work in that field we had nothing but advanced first-aid cards. Our usefulness was, at best, marginal.

Then we went through EMT to paramedics. Paramedics save lives, and that is a priceless thing. When there are minor injuries or illnesses, they make preliminary diagnoses, offer advice and reassurance. Response time important.

When there are major injuries or illnesses, they not only do the above but provide preliminary and necessary pre-evaluation for the ER staff. They may prevent the worsening of the illness and injuries by diagnoses, treatment and immobilization. Response time very important.

When loss of blood, heart trouble or severe breathing difficulties occur, they often save lives. There is a "window" for saving lives. Go beyond that window and you have "lost" the patient. Response time critical.

A fast response time is obviously necessary to save lives, a function that is immeasurable to the patient and family. To provide any less than maximum coverage and lowest response time is, to me, nonfeasance of office.

Bob Landgraf

Peachtree City

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