The Fayette Citizen-Opinion Page

Friday, July 13, 2001
What if everybody in the world were like your pastor? Or, like you?


A group of Peachtree City ministers were having breakfast at Shadow's Restaurant Wednesday morning last week, as is our custom, and discussing the state of the nation. We were offering up the common laments of things not being as they used to be or not being as they should. One of the group, a prominent Baptist minister in the community, said jokingly, "Well, the whole world would be a lot better off if everybody was just like us, don't you think?"

We laughed at the apparent absurdity of the statement but, then, I mused, "That's really not such a bad idea."

No, wait! I'm serious. I realize that there are a few bad ministers, just like there are a few bad cops and a smattering of corrupt bankers, but, in the main, pastors are a pretty good bunch of folks.

What if everyone was just like, for example, my pastor friend from the Baptist church? What would the nation be like? It would be radically different, that much I'm certain.

If everyone was like the Baptist minister (who is, I'm convinced, pretty typical of the area pastors), here are a few ways that the nation would be better off:

Everyone would be in church nearly every Sunday.

There would be no shortage of money in the church because every one would tithe.

There would be no adultery.

There would be no child molestation.

Banks would never be robbed.

People would not drive off without paying for the gas.

All waitresses would receive good tips.

Most prisons could be closed because almost no crimes would be committed.

Abortion would not exist.

Cops would keep their jobs because most pastors drive too fast.

Cops would no longer be killed at traffic stops.

There would be no murder.

War would not exist.

Everyone would be treated with kindness. Even deacons.

Gossip and backbiting would be greatly reduced. Maybe even eliminated.

Everyone would pray and study the Bible. A lot.

Rapes would no longer occur.

All children would have fathers in the home.

All wives would be loved.

All congregations would have a pastor who prayed for them and loved them.

All hurting people would have a sympathetic shoulder and a listening ear to depend upon.

No one would carry a gun for personal protection. No one would need to.

Everyone would be the recipient of a warm handshake and a friendly smile.

Well, I could go on and on, but you get the idea. If everyone were like my Baptist friend, how wonderfully different the world would be. In fact, if everyone in the world were just like your priest or pastor, the list would probably look pretty much like the list above.

The real question might be this: If everyone was just like you, what would the world look like? Would it be better off than it is now? Or would it be in the same sorry shape or even worse?

It's worth pondering, don't you think?

[Father David Epps is rector of Christ the King Charismatic Episcopal Church. He may be contacted at or at]


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