Wednesday, July 11, 2001

July 4th Parade has become embarrassing 'gimme fest'

I think the good people of Peachtree City have confused the Fourth of July with Halloween. My family and I attended the parade, and it was like no other July 4th parade I've ever seen.

The entire focus seemed to be on the treats (candy, toys, cups and more) that were handed out. Veterans groups, dancers, and the few musicians that appeared received little attention and no applause, save my own. If there were no goodies forthcoming, those marching were ignored, at best. Some children near my family were chanting, "Candy! Candy!" It was disgusting.

Are we a community so consumed by greed that we cannot enjoy and appreciate simple entertainment? Are we so shortsighted that we cannot take a moment to honor the men and women who fought for our freedom to live in beautiful homes and tool around happily in our new golf carts?

I believe that there are many good, thoughtful people in Peachtree City, but we have allowed another holiday to become a "Gimme Fest."

Parents, please, sometime before next July 4th, talk with your kids about what this holiday means. If necessary, take an hour and brush up yourself. I want Peachtree City, my home, to exemplify the best of America.

Cynthia Smith

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