Wednesday, July 11, 2001

Business leaders tour The Avenue


The Avenue, a new retail shopping center in Peachtree City, recently conducted an open house in conjunction with the Fayette County Chamber of Commerce.

The leasing division of Cousins Properties, developer of the shopping center, sponsored the event.

"Though The Avenue is a combination of retailers, it's not just a place, it's an environment," said Cousins President Joel Murphy.

It is the third Avenue center in place. One is in Los Angeles and the second is in Cobb County.

In November, the center expects to offer Shop To Share, a program in which charitable organizations can sell tickets to special after hours shopping.

The Ambassadors is a public relations group of The Avenue who walk around the shopping center, giving guided tours and assisting shoppers in finding their way around. They can be identified by the aprons they wear.

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