The Fayette Citizen-Religion Home Page

Wednesday, July 4, 2001

The Church is responsible for our 'moral mess'
Religion Columnist
The patriot in me says, "If the United States of America becomes a fallen country;" but, the spiritual realist in me says, "When the United States of America becomes a fallen country, no one will hold responsibility for the fall save the church alone." God will hold the church and the church alone, accountable for the total moral collapse of this great nation.

Volunteers sought for Habitat 'blitz' project

Members of the Peachtree City United Methodist Church are seeking volunteers to help them build their fourth Habitat For Humanity house. The "Blitz Week" project is scheduled for the week of July 14-21. Habitat committee chair at the Peachtree City church is Kim Dutweiler. "Blitz Boss" is Joe Runnals and day boss is Mark Creviston.

Flat Rock invites community to 147th anniversary celebration this Sunday

Flat Rock A.M.E. Church invites the community to join in its 147th anniversary celebration this Sunday with worship, food and historical tours of the property.

RECC offers summer reading program

River's Edge Community Church, in conjunction with the Mustard Seed Foundation, will offer a free summer reading program Monday, July 16, through Friday, July 20, from 6:30-8:30 p.m. for students entering second through fifth grades.

Abundant Life Worship Center to present 'Tim & Lauren' in gospel concert July 8

Gospel singing duo "Tim & Lauren" will appear in a free concert at Abundant Life Worship Center Sunday, July 8, at 10:45 a.m.

VBS Schedule

Fayette, Coweta, invited to join Henry in 'Stand Up for Jesus' parade

Local pastors and community leaders in Henry County are inviting church and civic groups in surrounding areas to join in their "Stand Up for Jesus" parade, Saturday, Sept. 8 in McDonough.

Lutheran School receives gift-matching funds

Aid Association for Lutherans recently presented $5,050 to St. Paul Lutheran School in Peachtree City, through the AAL Member Gift-Matching Program. The total reflects AAL's matched portion of contributions received from members during the first quarter of 2001.

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