Wednesday, July 4, 2001

Aberdeen Woods walks proud for March of Dimes

Aberdeen Woods Conference Center in Peachtree City exceeded its goal by raising $9,339 for this year's March of Dimes WalkAmerica.

Aberdeen Woods team members participated in several events throughout the year to raise money for the March of Dimes campaign because it is a charity that touches the lives of so many people, said a spokesman. Fund-raising activities included an early paycheck program, casual dress days, a golf tournament, jean days, a garage sale, a Beanie Baby sale, a silent auction plus individual contributions.

To increase participation in their fund-raising efforts, the center offered several incentives to team members. The names of those who made contributions to the March of Dimes and participated in the WalkAmerica were entered in a raffle for a day off with pay.

The top two Aberdeen Woods-sponsored fund-raising events were the golf tournament and the silent auction. Denny Arrichiello was the chairman for the golf tournament, March 19 at the Whitewater Country Club. Sandy Sanders, silent auction chairperson, said, "The March of Dimes is very dear to my heart. In some way, we have all either directly or indirectly come into contact with a child who is alive today because of the March of Dimes."

She added, "I am very fortunate to have seven healthy grandchildren and feel that the March of Dimes has contributed to this through their ongoing research for birth defects and childhood diseases."

Dianna Barnett became a hero for the March of Dimes when she raised $540, the highest individual contribution to the campaign at Aberdeen Woods. Her desire to raise money for the March of Dimes began on the morning of the 2000 WalkAmerica when she found out she was pregnant, she said. She gave birth to a daughter, Lily Grace, Dec. 18.

"I was blessed to have a strong and healthy baby, and the work done by the March of Dimes makes it possible for each and every baby to have a healthy start in life," said Barnett.

For her efforts, she was awarded two American Airlines tickets for travel anywhere in the continental United States.

Aberdeen Woods consistently places among the top three contributors in the Fayette County area.

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