Wednesday, June 6, 2001

Christ Our Shepherd launches new contemporary service

Christ Our Shepherd Lutheran Church in Peachtree City will begin a new worship service next Sunday, June 10, on a trial basis for the summer at least.

Overflowing attendance at existing services, plus a desire to appeal to a different group of worshipers, prodded the church to try an additional service, according to associate pastor Miriam Beecher. Either she or senior pastor John Weber will preach at both the new service ­ scheduled for 10:45 a.m. in the church's Fellowship Hall ­ and the familiar 11 a.m. service in the sanctuary. No changes are planned for the congregation's other worship services, at 7 p.m. Saturday and 8:30 a.m. and 6 p.m. Sunday.

Although essential elements of Lutheran worship will be present, the style of the new service will be more relaxed and the service briefer. A team of two lay "host families" will greet worshipers, read Scriptures, offer prayers, serve Communion and collect the offering. They will make available materials explaining Lutheran beliefs and worship principles. Barbara Tinker coordinates scheduling and training these host families.

The new service will be hymnal-free: Scriptures, songs, announcements and other worship materials will be projected onto a large screen using Power Point software. Kathy Rothfusz is charged with preparing these materials, and Britt Weber will be the first from a team of volunteers to operate the program.

A team of 10 singers and 10 instrumentalists, most of whom also sing, will lead the music. At least half of these musicians have led contemporary worship services in other churches, and two couples organized similar services for their former congregations.

According to music director David Beecher, the music ranges from "exciting to devotional; it is 'hummable,' but has musical and theological integrity."

The church is at the intersection of Georgia Hwy. 54 and Peachtree Parkway North. For further information, call 770-487-8717.

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