Wednesday, June 6, 2001

Who elected them to speak for us?

I find myself grasping for the right words to write when I read some person presuming to speak for me. I refer to last week's letter by Amy Riley.

The first thing that caught my attention was the statement that there were two "unwanted big box stores." I have to ask, unwanted by whom?

Amy speaks as though she is the spokesman for all of Peachtree City. I searched the credits and could not find her name as a paid writer nor anything else connected with The Citizen. Is she a relative? Who is she connected with? What group does she represent? Does she have the gall to assume? Has she taken a poll to see if these stores are unwanted? I think she has been listening to too much Steve Brown.

She speaks of the ego of the mayor and city council members who live in a bubble. If Amy thinks she speaks for me, she is the one who has the ego. I have to ask her this: What organization do you belong to that crowned you with the voice of the people?

I belong to the V.F.W. and the Kiwanis Golden K, and I know not of you in these clubs. I think you should tell the people that you belong to the Steve Brown club so we know who to dissociate [sic] with.

Is Stevie the superhero who is going to shut off the valve?

I think that everybody knows that there were two huge bubbles some 60 years ago. Their names were Hitler and Tojo. Many American young men lost their lives bursting those two bubbles. We need not another of these bubbles.

I believe it is time we got the facts straight out. Fact 1 The Huddleston property was zoned commercial some 30 years ago. The two stores trying to build there are exactly suited for that zoning. There is no way in Hades that can stop these stores from building there. Stevie knows this just as everyone in Peachtree City does.

Fact 2 The tax take from these two stores will in all probability run the city's expenditures for the whole year, which could lower the property tax rate for the local citizens. Are you listening, people?

I wanted to laugh or cry when reading of the stores Amy would like to have there. Laugh at the thought that these stores would even think of coming to that place. Cry because I am so far behind the times that I had never heard of them, and know I would not be interested in any of them.

Miss Amy, please tell me who elected you. I might want to run for your office. Whatever, those stores are not unwanted as you say. They are highly desired for elderly people like me.

Frank Hyde

Peachtree City

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