Wednesday, June 6, 2001

Tax 'cut' a farce; GOP lacks backbone to stop spending

Someone give Mr. Charles G. James an award for realizing the truth behind this so-called tax cut!

George W.'s tax cut isn't real. Mark my word, what has not been watered down this budget will be finished in next year's budget. The top two brackets will not see any relief unless the Republicans grow a spine and push the tax cut as is and implement the cut this year!

But there is something that concerns me more as a 19-year-old citizen of this great republic: the rapid growth of government spending that is continuing despite the Republican majority.

George W. wanted 4 percent growth. Why? I thought the Republican Party wanted to reduce government. Or was the Contract With America all smoke and mirrors?

When will government stop growing? And how big will government be in 40 years when I am 59, at this rate of growth?

If the Republican Party really believed in small or smaller government, they would have at least proposed a stop to all spending increases and passed legislation that would have ended all baseline budgeting (baseline budgeting is built-in spending increases).

The Republicans have no interest in making government smaller. I recognized this at the ripe old age of 16 and joined one of the only political parties working for change, the Libertarian Party. For all of you out there upset with the current Republican leadership, voice your opinion in a way that will be heard: Vote freedom, vote Libertarian!

William Norris

Chair of Fayette LP

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