Wednesday, May 30, 2001

We'll keep commemorating our Confederate heritage

While I have written several letters about the slavery-Confederate flag issue, one letter written by Marc D. Michael is beyond any understanding. He has decided to play God and banish all Confederate soldiers to hell. He said God wiped them from the face of the earth. So, if there is an ounce of truth in his judgment theory, then relax, they are all in hell.

We will always have our Confederate history, and we will celebrate. I missed one issue of the paper so I never read his answer to my question, "Are you one of the people waiting for a check from the government for your relatives who were slaves?"

Now let's deal with Heidi Vehr's letter of May 23. In the South they did raise cotton. What she and a few other Northerners don't understand is white folks picked cotton too. In fact, summer vacation in the South was initiated so that every child old enough would be home in the summer to pick cotton. Most elderly white people still on this earth will tell you about the hot sun and the hard work that was the life of a farmer.

During the war, farmers were so poor they had a hard time feeding their children, so owning a slave wasn't in the budget. She refers to a quote from Lincoln about slaves and the South, but he and a lot of other Yankees try to forget about the slaves that were up North.

It always amazes me that when a carpetbagger comes South, their first agenda is to change the heritage of the South. Most of us born here with Confederate heritage never had any desire to move to the North and change the brass, rude ways of the people up North. We will always commemorate our heritage, we love our history, our Confederate ancestors and nothing will change that. We will continue to commemorate, commemorate, commemorate.

LeGay Saul


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