Wednesday, April 25, 2001

Valdes to speak at PTC Presbyterian Sunday

Dr. Jorge Valdes, executive director of Coming Clean Ministries, will be the featured speaker at the men's fellowship meeting at the First Presbyterian Church of Peachtree City, Sunday, April 29, at 7 p.m.

Valdes will give his testimony of how he journeyed through the corruption of the drug underworld to a transformed life.

As former head of the Medellin drug cartel in the United States, Valdes was responsible for 90 percent of the cocaine importation during the mid 1970s and early 1980s. He says he had what most people strive for in life money, mansions, cars, power and prestige but still felt his life was empty and miserable. His karate instructor showed him a better way, but not before his deeds took him from the lap of luxury to the depths of prison and back again.

Valdes was forced to relinquish all his assets to the federal government and served a jail term for the crimes he committed. While in prison, he earned a Bachelor's degree from Southeastern Bible College and began work on a Master's degree. Upon his release, he finished work on his Master's from Wheaton College and earned his Ph.D. in New Testament studies from Loyola University. He is currently an adjunct professor at Wheaton College and speaks throughout the country to audiences of all ages. His first book, "Coming Clean," was published worldwide by WaterBook Press, a division of Random House/Doubleday, in Sept. 1999.

The meeting is open to all persons in the community. Reservations for childcare can be made by calling the church office at 770-487-7757.

First Presbyterian Church is at 206 Willowbend Rd. in Peachtree City.

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