Wednesday, April 25, 2001

PTC needs a community arts center, especially for bands

This letter is in response to the letters critical of Peachtree City Mayor Bob Lenox on the subject of allocation of funds for various projects. I, too, agree that something must be done about the traffic situation on the Ga. highways 54 and 74 interchange. It has become extremely bad during rush hours and will only get worse after the big box companies come in.

However, I vehemently disagree that the mayor should forget the other necessities this city needs and concentrate only on this one problem. In particular, I refer to the need for an arts performing center, among other projects. The other writers refer to those of us who are in the arts as either an elitist group not worthy of consideration or people who are out of the mainstream of current thought.

I direct our local community band which I founded in 1990. It is made up of everyday people from all walks of life. Housewives, pilots, military, students, retired persons and more. The ages range from 16 to the mid-eighties. It is made up of people who enjoy making music and presenting concerts for the enjoyment of the public. They are helping to keep one of the oldest American institutions alive and well in a country that is too immersed in the banal media presented on television today. The community band, in one form or another, has been around since the founding of this country. It is the progenitor of our school bands, the first military bands and the thousands of community bands in existence in this country and elsewhere in the world.

And, while playing for the sheer joy of it, they are creating and performing for the area public in our parks and other events. And, I might add, doing it for free for an audience of over 15,000 each year. But, here is the problem. In our 11 years of existence we have had to change our rehearsal sites more than 15 times. We do not have a permanent home, which is absolutely necessary to our purpose.

We have struggled financially to be able to purchase needed equipment and music which is the lifeblood of any concert band. While we ask for donations, we do not have a steady source of income from any private or governmental body. Our members even pay a minimal dues to belong to the band, but no one is turned away due to an inability to pay the dues.

While the many worthwhile sports programs in our community seem to garner the majority of the funding for their activities, little or nothing is done to provide a venue for the arts. A multipurpose building with ample space for the different groups in this city to share while incorporating an auditorium for presentation of concerts and other productions certainly is within the scope of the recreation facilities of this city. May I point out the Clayton Performing Arts Center as a product of people concerned about the status of the arts in today's world and the forward thinking of the powers that be in providing an outstanding venue for the arts of all kinds.

There is a ready made solution to this problem which the city is aware of and that many of the performing arts groups have made their concerns available to the mayor and city. It can only be hoped that this opportunity is acted upon and does not slip away because of the shortsightedness of some persons, such as the aforementioned letter writers.

Personally, I have directed community bands in three other communities in this country and this is the first one where the lack of community pride in its town band is so evident. I hope that this letter would result in greater recognition for the efforts of the members of the band, a permanent home for rehearsals and storage space for our equipment and an adequate concert venue. And, it wouldn't hurt to acquire an ongoing source of financial support along with an increase in our membership. But, then, isn't that the wish of any performing arts group?

Bob Lancette


Peachtree Wind Ensemble Community Band

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