Wednesday, April 25, 2001

Anti-Rebel letter insults 'sweet little old Fayette lady'

First, we have a governor that sold us to the highest bidder and changed our flag without the people of Georgia having a chance to vote on the matter. Now, to add to the insult, we have a letter to the editor from Marc D. Michael!

Never in my lifetime has a letter to the editor infuriated me the way his did! Marc, I would pray to the same God that you say saved your soul to give me the strength to kick your butt all the way back to whatever part of the North you came from! Your letter insulted one of the sweetest little old ladies that ever lived in Fayette County.

You say nothing of the killing, rape and pillage done to the South by the Union Army. You are living in the South, the Confederacy is our proud heritage, and if it bothers you so much, why live here?

You refer to Nazi Germany. History tells us that the Nazis hated the heritage of the Jewish people and did everything they could to eliminate them and their heritage. Your attack on the history of the Confederacy sounds similar to me.

Are you one of the people waiting for a check from the U.S. Government to compensate you for your ancestors who were slaves? I would refer you to the ship from Africa in the news last week that had a load of young African children to be sold into slavery by their own people. It sounds like a repeat of the history of enslavement that happened years ago, and I wonder if Southerners will get blamed for that one, too. I would be willing to bet that Africa won't compensate the parents of those children.

It is always so clear when someone like you writes about the Confederacy, you have never picked up a history book and know nothing about the Confederacy, or the history of its flag, and you certainly are uninformed about the people who fought in the war.

LeGay Saul


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