Wednesday, April 25, 2001

Bost should pay costs of special election

The sudden departure of Harold Bost from the Fayette County Commission obviously has some underlying reason he is keeping secret.

He says he wants to spend more time at his second home in Florida. Then why did he run for reelection last fall?

Mr. Bost has served less than 1 percent of his present elected term, but now leaves the taxpayers with a $30,000-$40,000 bill for a special election. Thanks for nothing, Mr. Bost.

Perhaps, the county should take Mr. Bost to court for malfeasance and force him to pay the special election tab.

Mr. Bost is often characterized as being for controlled growth. An article in another paper last week concerning the patient overload at the hospital states that the 2000 census indicates a 46 percent increase in Fayette residents. Is that controlled growth?

On the bright side, this leaves just three members on the commission who are known law violators. Let's carefully check the background of the new candidates.

John Regan


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