Wednesday, April 25, 2001

Rebel rebuttal: Blacks enslaved other blacks, Yankees sold them to South

Just what we need, another person from Sodom-Atlanta-Gomorrah telling us Southerners with Confederate ancestry who our heroes should and should not be.

The only thing more disgusting than Marc Michael's article and the so-called Christian ministers in Fayette County who have bought and sold the lies about the South and Confederacy is the wretched yellow streak banner that replaced the real Georgia flag.

History is not serving you. And Satan is serving his lies. There was no Confederate Party. The Southern white boys did not hoist the battle flags over Confederate ships and sail them to Africa, capture every black person on that continent and bring them back to Dixie to be slaves. Slavery was not started by the South, the Confederacy or by the whites.

Black Africans enslaved other black Africans and sold them to New England Yankees who shipped them to the South from Boston. It is despicable to blame the Confederacy (1861-65) for something instituted by other Africans. It was not the Confederates who raped women, plundered them and killed at will. Eighty percent of Southern people at the time of the war did not own slaves. However, there was rape, plundering and killing done to Southerners/Confederates by order of the federal government at the hands of the Union army and continued by the carpetbaggers during Reconstruction.

The moral degradation of this society is not caused by Fayette County citizens who do not protest those things Confederate. Moral degradation in Fayette County comes from their ministers who support the lies about the Confederacy, the world view, political correctness and all the inclusive multi-cultural society rather than teaching the blood of Jesus Christ.

Moral degradation continues in Fayette County and elsewhere through federal government reeducation camps known as the public school system. Our state government does not add any encouragement when our state legislature can be bribed, bought or threatened by the governor to remove the state flag against the will of the people. The finale of moral degradation comes from a slanted press.

The Confederacy was never a faction much less a wicked one. The Confederacy was a legitimate government voted into existence by her citizens. The people in the South wanted a limited national and state government with honesty and integrity. Between the war, Reconstruction and the moral degradation we exist in society where our present leaders act like Pharaoh, Caesar and socialist dictators. This would not be the case if Southerners had their Confederate government.

My Christian heroes are General Robert E. Lee, President Jefferson Davis, General Nathan Bedford Forrest, real sons and daughters of Confederate veterans and all those Southerners willing to take a stand despite the hostile and politically correct society in which we live.

Harold Harrison, Jr.

Fayette County

Southern Party of Georgia


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