The Fayette Citizen-Weekend Page

Wednesday, April 11, 2001

Sketch comedy group returns this Friday


Just when you thought it was safe to venture into Fayette's night for an evening of calm entertainment, the Creatures of Habit comedy group is back and ready to take prisoners.

The group was started last year by local writer and resident wisecracker Michael Boylan. Boylan looked over the vast emptiness of humor in the county and decided it would be his destiny to tickle Fayette's funnybone, while also being a little edgy.

This Friday, the group stages its third show, which Boylan promises to be the best yet.

The show features a "sketch comedy extravaganza" and starts at 8 p.m. at the Black Box Theatre at McIntosh High School in Peachtree City. Tickets are $5 and some of the proceeds go to the Endowment Committee of the Cultural Arts for its efforts to obtain a permanent place for local theater groups.

Boylan said the show features all-new material, along with four new cast members.

"This show is going to be a little more absurd and edgier," cackled Boylan, as he noted the date of the performance is Friday the 13th.

"We're not pulling punches, and I think we're bringing the show to a new level with our new kids," he said.

Boylan also plans to take his group of traveling minstrels to Fayetteville in May for a show at the Log Cabin.

He hopes to stage a new show every couple of months and gives a good deal of credit for this show to the cast members who wrote several of the sketches.

The show runs just over an hour and Boylan promises a good time for all who wish to see Atlanta-quality talent at Fayette prices.

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