Wednesday, April 11, 2001

Operation Round-up raises funds for local needs


In 1993 the Coweta-Fayette EMC Board of Directors initiated Operation Round-Up, a program that allows people to touch people in the community.

Participating EMC members contribute just a little change each month. A bill of $48.45, for instance, will be rounded up to $49. The average contribution per household is $6 a year.

Of its 56,000 members, 35,000 are participating in the plan and since its inception Operation Round-Up has raised about $1.26 million. Of that, $919,000 has been put back into the communities of the EMC's seven-county service area. Expenses total 4.1 percent a year, with 2 percent going toward a state-mandated yearly audit.

Among those benefiting in Fayette County through the years are the Peachtree City Fire Department, Fayette County Fire and Emergency, The Early Years, Special People of Fayette County, Fayette Senior Services, Fayette Alzheimer's Care Center, Fayette Council on Domestic Violence, Fayette Youth Protection Homes, Fayette Family YMCA, Fayette Samaritans, Tyrone Recreation Department, Joseph Sams School, McIntosh Theatre Guild, Whitewater Middle School, the Brooks, Tyrone and Fayette County libraries and the Peachtree City parks and community theater.

Nine directors serve on the Coweta-Fayette Trust Board, all serving voluntarily. They investigate all applications before an award is made.

Among those on the board from Fayette County are Earnest A. Hardy, Robert K. Neff, Lisa Price and Ruby Jo Sanders.

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