The Fayette Citizen-Weekend Page

Wednesday, March 28, 2001

National TV host and speaker to visit Fayette schools

Star host and writer of the "Discovery Channel Adventures," Michael Modzelewski will make a guest appearance at East Fayette and Burch elementary schools and the evening high school later this month.

For two years, Modzelewski lived on an island by himself in Alaska. He spent a total of $67.11 and lived without a telephone, television, computer, alarm clock or electricity. From his experiences on the island, he wrote a speech called Triumph of the Spirit, which he will share with students at the schools. The speech is an inspirational account of what it takes to survive and thrive in the wilderness or any challenging situation.

Modzelewski will visit Fayette schools March 29. He will speak to the third, fourth and fifth grade students at East Fayette and Burch at 8:30 a.m. and 1 p.m., respectively. Barnes and Noble Bookstore will sponsor a book signing from 3:30-5:30 p.m. and Modzelewski will speak to students at the evening high school at 7 p.m.

Minta Mueller of East Fayette Elementary School is responsible for helping to bring Modzelewski to Fayette. Last summer, she and her husband met Modzelewski on an Alaskan cruise where he presented four slide shows on his two-year stay in Alaska. Mueller said that she was so impressed with Modzelewski's spirit and sense of adventure that she had to find a way to get him to East Fayette Elementary.

"I had picked up a flyer from him while on the ship and I called him when I got back home to see if he would come to the school. I couldn't believe it when he agreed. We are very fortunate to get him since he doesn't book schools anymore," Mueller said.

Not only did Modzelewski agree to come to East Fayette, he offered to spend the entire day in the county visiting and talking with students at other schools about his adventures.

In order to get students at East Fayette ready for Modzelewski's visit, Mueller started a trivia question session with the third, fourth and fifth grade students at the school. Each Monday morning for six weeks she read a question and students had until 9 a.m. Thursday to turn in their answers. At the end of the six-week period, Mueller and her husband purchased ice cream for the class with the most correct answers.

"You would not believe the interest this created with the students. At the end of the six weeks we had two classes tie. One would have thought that these students had won the lottery," Mueller added.

"Michael is a wonderful speaker with many neat stories to tell. I believe everyone can gain something from his presentations," Mueller said.

In addition to hosting "Discovery Channel Adventures," Modzelewski has written books and has been featured on many national television shows including "A Closer Look with Faith Daniels" and Bill Cosby's "You Bet Your Life," and is a frequent guest on the "Oprah Winfrey Show."

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