Wednesday, March 28, 2001

Fayetteville Baptist to present 'Once Upon a Tree' April 13

The Sanctuary Choir and Praise orchestra of the Fayetteville First Baptist Church will present a musical, "Once Upon A tree," Friday, April 13, and Saturday, April 14, at 7:30 p.m. in the church sanctuary. Admission is free.

"Nothing we can say about the story of Christ can add to it or make it more meaningful," a spokesperson said. "All we can do is simply tell it as clearly as we can and get out of the way. It stands alone; its power is intrinsic. When people truly hear and experience the story, they are inevitably changed. So now, we come to tell the story that has been told countless millions of times. We hope you will experience with us the events of the cross and be ready to be changed by the story that begins, "Once upon a tree..."

Seating is limited and ticket reservations are requested. Tickets can be picked up at the church or can be reserved by calling 770-461-TRUE.

Fayetteville First Baptist is on Stonewall Avenue just off the square in Fayetteville.

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