Wednesday, March 28, 2001

Kudos on Ga. flag to Seabaugh, Westmoreland

I just wanted to publicly thank two of our local elected officials, Lynn Westmoreland and Mitch Seabaugh, for their courage in standing for principle over money.

The issue is the changing of our Georgia State flag. I was proud that Lynn and Mitch saw through the smoke screen of the threatened economic boycott by liberal elements in our society and both voted to retain our old flag.

I am also expressing extreme disappointment in our other two officials, Kathy Cox and Greg Hecht, for their votes to replace our flag in an underhanded, arm twisting, rush to pass the bill before the general public read "real Southerners" could be aware and react to what was going on. It is especially distressing and disappointing that Kathy Cox made the choice to join the Democrats and liberals in another show of disrespect of Southern history and heritage.

I did not expect much from Greg Hecht, because after all, he was up front about his alliances since he is a Democrat, but Kathy was elected as a Republican in a solidly conservative area and she should have known better. Maybe she will live in the South long enough to appreciate our unique history, heritage and culture, but she is not showing that she has adopted the South in her heart yet.

Well, the bottom line is we have folks like Kathy Cox and Greg Hecht to thank for replacing our beautiful old flag, rich with history, heritage, culture and Southern pride, one that showed our love and respect for our beloved ancestors, with a flag that looks like a cross between a U.N. flag and an International House of Pancakes placemat.

I for one will remember these folks next election with a great deal of passion. They must not be allowed to get by with such blatant disrespect for our Southern heritage.

Gene Harrison


(Harrison is editor of McLaws News, a newsletter of Fayette-based General McLaws Camp of the Sons of Confederate Veterans.)

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