Wednesday, February 28, 2001

Flag change is an outrage

I don't think anyone who is a native of Georgia will ever forget Hecht, Cox or Barnes and the others that sold all the people of Georgia to the highest bidder, and that was the NAACP.

I also think the fallout over the flag will influence all voters. I personally will never vote again for a newcomer to this county to sell our votes.

The people of Georgia should have been able to vote on the flag, and if the majority voted for a change then so be it.

It angers me that people like Tyrone Brooks tout their black heritage, and at the same time rob others of theirs. That flag change that was shoved down our throats has driven a wedge in race relations.

People are upset about the flag, most of them people who never write letters to the editor; they just meet at the local hangout and discuss their outrage. If Kathy Cox, Sen. Hecht or Roy Barnes were running for dogcatcher none of them would get my vote.

LeGay Saul


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