Wednesday, February 21, 2001

Bad twaffic! Bad! Bad! Bad!

A note to Kerry from a parent who drives his "precious kid" to school on rainy days (and on very dry days, too):

Poor widdle Kerry... she had to deal with twaffic while dwiving to school. Bad twaffic! Bad! Bad! Bad!

Then she couldn't find a parking pwace because her mean ol' cwassmates took dem all. Bad cwassmates! Bad! Bad! Bad!

Then she had to get a pink swip because she was wate. Bad pink swip! Bad! Bad! Bad!

Mean world. Mean! Mean! Mean!

Kerry, here are a few tips:

1. Get a life. You are 18. It's time. 2. Don't contradict yourself. Either you "always get to school with ample time to spare" or you were "(yet again!)... late to school." 3. Try working with gravity by not placing yourself at the center of the universe. 4. Ride the bus.

Robert Page



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