Wednesday, February 21, 2001

It's a cruel world: No snow days

This is in response to a letter in the Feb. 14 issue written by Kerry Fitzpatrick. Please, please, please tell me this young lady was only joking. What is she going to do when she graduates into the real world? Is she going have a nervous breakdown when she encounters rush hour traffic or simply run everyone off the road because her time is more valuable than everyone else?

Lord help her if we have some frozen precip instead of just damp and rainy. And, yes, Miss Fitzpatrick, you will have to drive in it and there will be others on the road with you, probably spatting the same obscenities you "spat" at them.

Maybe the parents are a little worried about having their "precious" middle-schoolers or freshman stand at the bus stop in the rain, or any day for that matter, not knowing if that senior is watching the road or what station their radio is tuned to.

If ALL the students rode the bus instead of driving their mommy-and-daddy-bought BMWs and Hondas, there would be less traffic on the road. After all, isn't that why buses were even created?

I rode the bus through my senior year, as did many others in my class, and I must admit, I'm much better because of it, thanks to my parents.

Grow up, Miss Fitzpatrick; all the whining seems to be coming from you. It's attitudes like yours that has people rushing to raise the age for a license. It's a cruel world out there, Miss Fitpatrick, one without snow days.

Jimmy Coker



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