Wednesday, February 21, 2001

County's demolition of Dorsey House a power play

I read your cover story with dismay and disgust and couldn't help but think it was the ultimate show of force in a power struggle.

According to the article, County Manager Chris Cofty said the house was torn down to solicit bids for new construction. Is this to imply contractors have to look at a barren piece of ground to consider cost? I already have doubts about the type of personnel Mr. Cofty is soliciting.

The article continued by saying, "the demolition caught the city by surprise." Even if the deadline for moving the house had passed, couldn't the county have given the city the courtesy of a telephone call in advance?

The razing of the Dorsey House had nothing to do with bids, and Mr. Cofty insults the intelligence of all the citizens by using this as an excuse. Someone has to have the upper hand and show who wields the power. If the abrupt demolition was Mr. Cofty's decision, then he has taught us a lesson.

The lesson I learned is the heart and soul of Fayetteville and Fayette County is being weakened by those who have no pride in the heritage of our community. New construction holds a higher priority over the preservation of history and culture. The number of born and raised Fayette County men and women are dwindling and those with a passion for holding a piece of our past sacred are not being heard. Sumner Road was widened and I don't know who to thank for not destroying a small three-grave family cemetery.

To protect Fayette County from more impetuous destruction as well as ill-conceived growth, it may become necessary to form a body of citizens similar to that in Savannah. People whose priorities are not rapid growth and additional tax revenue.

I'm very proud to live, have roots and family history in Fayette County. I realize it will never return to the farming community I knew as a child, but we can't let all the remnants of the past be bulldozed in the name of progress.

Michael L. Loyd


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