The Fayette Citizen-Sports Page

Wednesday, February 2, 2001

Mazzone thrills local youngsters


Two Fayetteville little league teams got their own version of Camp Leo Sunday afternoon as Leo Mazzone, pitching coach for the Atlanta Braves, gave some pointers while filming a commercial for Gene Evans Ford.

The two teams, the 11-12 Diamondbacks and the 9-10 Brewers, sent their pitchers to the mound, while Mazzone instructed them on the mechanics of pitching. Several up-and-coming hurlers learned to toss a perfect breaking ball, while others finetuned their fastballs.

While he sprinkled the names of his colleagues throughout the lessons, including Maddux, Glavine and Smoltz, Mazzone cut up with the kids, coaches and parents. His relaxed attitude certainly put the young pitchers at ease in the face of someone who works with legends and all-stars on a daily basis. Mazzone's main lesson to the players was to concentrate, focus and not overthrow the ball, while the lesson for the coaches was not to overcoach.

It was a day that those in attendance won't soon forget.

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