Wednesday, January 24, 2001

Church of Nativity to participate in Super Bowl-generated charity

The Episcopal Church of the Nativity will join other churches across the nation and participate in the "Souper Bowl of Caring" on Super Bowl Sunday, Jan. 27. The national event was launched by the Senior High Youth Fellowship of Spring Valley Presbyterian Church in Columbia, S.C. in 1990. The partnership has grown from 22 churches the first year to 11,200 congregations representing every U.S. state, Canada and Puerto Rico. Together, they generated $3.1 million this past year. Over $10 million has been raised since the effort became national in 1993.

"This is an effort to glorify God and care for 'the least of these our sisters and brothers' by encouraging people to give one dollar as they leave worship on Souper Bowl Sunday," said Nativity's Pastor Bob Hudak. "The contributions are sent directly to the charity of your choice. Nativity encourages other congregations in Fayette County to join in this initiative."

This is Nativity's third year participating in the Souper Bowl. Members of the youth ministry will be at the doors of the church with soup pots at the end of the 9 a.m. children's service; the 10:30 a.m. traditional service and their own youth service at 4 p.m..

The Episcopal Church of the Nativity is part of the 93 parishes in the Diocese of Atlanta ( and a member of the worldwide Anglican Communion.

The church is located at 130 Antioch Road. For more information, visit or call Nativity's parish office at 770-460-6390. Pastor Hudak also can be reached by E-mail at

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