Wednesday, January 24, 2001

Fayette Community plans teen parenting seminar Feb. 3 & 4

Dr. Donald Joy will lead a free parenting seminar on "Turning Parenting Obstacles into opportunities" on Saturday and Sunday. Feb. 3 and 4, at Fayette Community Church. The seminar is sponsored by the Breakaway Student Ministry at the church.

Dr. Joy has been the professor of Youth Ministry and Human and Moral Development at Asbury Theological Seminary for 28 years. He is the author of 17 published works including "Beyond Adolescence: Hope for Teens and Families," and "Empower Your Kids to be Adults: A Guide for Ministers, Parents and Other Mentors." Dr. Joy also is a resource person for the Pentagon and Capitol Hill.

The seminar starts on Saturday, Feb. 3, at 6:30 p.m. with the topic of "Parenting in the Image of God," and will continue through 8:30 p.m., with a question and answer session.

On Sunday, at 10 a.m., the seminar topic will be "The Never-Ending Love Story," a subject geared toward helping families gain perspective on priorities.

Fayette Community Church meets in the old Dollar Theater on Ga. Hwy. 85 North, behind Mrs. Winner's.

To find out more about the seminar, or about Fayette Community Church, call 770-461-1756, or visit the church's web page at

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