Wednesday, January 24, 2001

Forgiveness is freely given...but also must be accepted

Religion Columnist

One of the most wonderful benefits of the Christian faith is its emphasis on forgiveness. In a nutshell, that's what the "cross" was all about. When Jesus permitted Himself to be crucified, He did so to provide a "way of escape" for all of us who are burdened with guilt from sin and in need of a new beginning.

So many people have been led to believe that the Christian faith is about "thou shalt" and "thou shalt not." That's as far from the truth as can be. The Christian faith's presupposition is that "all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God." Not one of the new Cardinals just appointed by the Pope is spiritually immune from the contagion of sin.

In assuming the universal nature of failed humanity, God's ultimate provision--since "thou shalt not" didn't work--was the provision of vicarious suffering and death. Because we are sinners by nature and choice (remember you don't have to teach your kids to be disobedient), we must pay for our sins or perhaps someone will take our place in the penalty box. I don't understand it except that He loved us, but Jesus Christ of history stepped up and took our punishment. Not only does God love us and forgive us, but He also took upon Himself the penalty of our sins, as few or as many they may be.

Every single person in the world has been forgiven. The rapist, the drug trafficker, the adulterer have all been forgiven. Many folks just don't know they have been forgiven. In fact, many people don't realize that they don't have to continue in carrying their load of guilt. They don't have to continue in their sinful lifestyle because something has been transacted for them. Their sins have been paid for. They have a new beginning at the door.

But. But. It's the "but" that so many stumble over. But, every sinner--from president to pimp--must accept that "paid for" forgiveness. Let say, you are still haunted by a sin you committed as a teenager. You still carry that baggage in your psyche. It always pops up on the screen of your life when you least expect. It's crippling. It's hurtful. All you have to do is this: sincerely draw a picture of the sin in the secret room of your mind and accept God undeserved forgiveness with thanksgiving. It's a done deal. The Word of God clearly states, "If we confess our sins, He is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness" (1 John 1:9).

Please! Please! Please! Please don't endure another pop up from sins past because you have not accepted God's unmerited forgiveness. Just like you would accept a Christmas gift from a love one, accept God's forgiveness--made possible by the incomprehensible death of Jesus on the cross--and go about living your life without dragging all that garbage baggage.

Several months ago, God became really close to me and spoke to my inner person, saying, "John, you are still being defeated by sins of your youth. Give them to me." There before my Father in Heaven, I drew the picture of my sins that kept popping up. Then, I accepted His wonderful forgiveness. The Word of God promises that when we give our sins to God, He takes them and buries them in the deepest place in the ocean that is about seven miles deep. Not only does He bury them there, the Word promises that God forget where He buries them.

That's forgiveness. It's totally liberating. Plus, there's more for tomorrow. The Word says God has new mercies for us each new morning.

But! You have to accept His forgiveness. Please! Do it.

Rev. Dr. John Hatcher is pastor of River's Edge

Community Church in Fayetteville.

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