Wednesday, January 24, 2001

EMC passes a milestone

Deeming it a major milestone, Coweta-Fayette EMC president and CEO Michael Whiteside announced that the company sold over one billion kilowatt hours of electricity during 2000.

Attributing the growth to both his team of professionals and the area's booming popularity, Whiteside went on to say that EMC has more than doubled its annual sales for each of the past two decades.

"This type of growth is good for our economy, and it will continue; it's also good for our member/owners. As with any business, volume helps to hold prices down," he said.

Coweta-fayette EMC serviced 16,094 meters by the end of 1980 and had sold more than 209 million kilowatt hours of electricity that year. Just 10 years later, the utility serviced 34,184 meters and sold more than 483 million kilowatt hours. Today, EMC has doubled sales again.

"I've watched this are grow and thrive over the past 25 years; I'm not at all surprised that we've hit this milestone, but I fully expect the trend to continue," Whiteside said.

Today, 27 percent of the company's total sales is attributed to commercial customers. Ten years ago, only 13 percent could be traced to commercial accounts.

Coweta-Fayette EMC provides electric power to members in Coweta, Fayette Heard, Meriwether and parts of South Fulton and Spalding counties.

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