Wednesday, January 10, 2001

Scofflaws park in fire zones at Starr's Mill

I sure would like to know were to get the special parking permits allowing me and my wife to park our car in the fire zones at the Rising Star/Starr's Mill school complex. The entire front entry circles of the two schools, on both the outside and inside curb, were filled with parked cars at a recent middle school Christmas Choir Concert.

I have seen this situation happen at every major school event my wife and I have attended since my children started going to these schools. I could see if there wasn't enough parking spots but we usually find a place to park without too much trouble. The middle school lot has finally been expanded so there's even more parking available.

So I think to myself, "Gosh, these people must be special. I wonder how they get permits to park in this otherwise no parking zone." I mean, there is this obvious yellow painted curbing and there's even writing on the ground saying, "No Parking Fire Zone" (which is real hard to see 'cause there's usually a car parked over it).

I've even gone up to a couple of these cars to see if I can find a permit displayed or a special sticker or something that would give me an idea as to who gives these out. Do you ever wonder about the special folks and their parking privileges at your children's school?

You know what? I haven't been able to find anything to indicate these folks have any more right to park in the No Parking Fire Zone than you or I do. You know what? These kind of people have a name; well, they have lots of names, but I won't go there. These people are called "scofflaws."

For those of you not familiar with the term, Webster defines a scofflaw as "a person who flouts the law"; a person who treats the law with disdain, scorn or contempt; to scoff at the law.

What would happen if, at one of these school events, someone required medical attention and had to be evacuated to the hospital? Speed being of the essence in these situations, how do you think a bunch of illegally parked cars would enhance the EMTs' chances for expediency?

God forbid the Fire Department had to respond to an emergency at either of these schools. They would need to brush up on demolition derby techniques to punch through all the illegally parked cars before getting a clear and ready access.

Suppose the auditorium had to be evacuated? People would be jammed up as they were forced through a maze-like course of illegally parked cars. I wonder if these self-proclaimed special people think about these situations before parking illegally. I wonder if these scofflaws think about what they are demonstrating to their children. The answer to these questions is obvious by their actions.

Mike Mahoney

Peachtree City

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