Wednesday, January 10, 2001

Electoral college lesson

I know nobody will ever say why we should not do away with the electoral college vote, so I will try to shed a little more light on it.

City people are shallow-minded people. They are easily herded by fear and emotion. They are more dependent on government than country and suburban people. All you have to do in the cities is preach hate and fear the other political party from the church pulpits and radio stations and you will stampede the masses to the voting booths.

While out in the rural and suburban counties, the people do more thinking for themselves. They know when they are being lied to and react accordingly.

In the rural and suburban churches, you do not get political views preached from the pulpits or from the radio stations.

The city people will believe any lie their politicians and preachers put forward in spite of what a person of integrity says.

With conditions such as this, our forefathers saw this and put the electoral college vote in the Constitution to insulate us from a democratic mob form of government.

The reason [Atlanta Constitution Editor] Cynthia Tucker would like to do away with the electoral college vote is it would give her more power.

Need we forget it was the preachers that led the mob that hung Jesus on the Cross.

W.H. Pool


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