The Fayette Citizen-Opinion Page

Friday, January 5, 2001
Character traits of America's most successful people: No. 1 Be positive!


Atlanta's consumer guru, Clark Howard, recently shared that a survey was conducted among America's most successful people with surprising results. It seems that, although the most successful among us are extremely varied in their abilities and interests, there are 10 common characteristics found among them.

Those 10 characteristics, rated on a scale from the lowest to the highest, are as follows:

Number 10 Honesty. The most successful among us generally believe that "honesty is the best policy" and attempt to deal with others openly. They say what they think and they keep their promises. They generally, contrary to what some may think, are not liars or dishonest people. Part of the reason they have been able to succeed is due to the fact that other people were able to take them at their word.

Number 9 Respect. Those who have achieved success have treated others with respect along the way. They are known for treating their subordinates, superiors, and even strangers with dignity and respect. They are not known for the arrogance or haughtiness but for the courtesy they extend to others.

Number 8 They dare to be different. Successful people are not afraid to be different from everybody else. Rather than letting the group set the standard, successful people generally chart their own course. In high school they were probably not the students whining to their parents, "Please? Everybody else is doing it!" They may not have been in the "in group" and weren't concerned about it anyway.

Number 7 Focus. Successful people have an ability to shut the unimportant out and focus on the task at hand or on the future rewards. They have an uncanny ability to shut out everything except what they believe matters. They are not easily distracted. They are not easily discouraged by what others may think about things either.

Number 6 Facts vs. emotions. Successful people tend to make important decisions based on the facts rather than on emotions. While some people make "gut decisions," or "snap judgments," the successful do the research, gather the facts, and then decide on the best course of action. Once a decision is made, they tend to believe that they have made the right decision and do not second-guess the decision continually.

Number 5 Work. Successful people are simply hard workers. They did not achieve their lofty status by accident but by investing copious amount of hours and sweat. While others were engaged in leisure pursuits, the successful people were working on their dreams.

Number 4 Education. Not all successful people were outstanding students; neither do all successful people have college degrees. But a key trait of successful people is that they are lifelong learners. They just never stop learning. They may read a great deal, or attend seminars, or listen to tapes, or read tremendous amounts of literature, but they refuse to be satisfied with what they currently know.

Number 3 Action. Successful people are people of action. When a decision is called for, they make it. They may or may not reach the decision quickly, but they will arrive at it. When the decision is made, they generally stand by it. They may even "do something even if it's wrong," but they will not be immobilized by indecision or inaction. They will act!

Number 2 Goals. Successful people are goal-oriented. They know where they want to go and set about getting there. Successful people write their goals down and work at achieving them. They are always on the move toward the goals and they are continually setting new goals. If you ask them where they want to be in five years, they will be able to tell you, often in great detail.

Number 1 Positive attitude. The most significant and common characteristic among the successful is that they are positive people with a positive outlook. They are not negative thinkers or whiners. They are always seeing the best in people, always looking toward the future with anticipation, and always believing that tomorrow holds new and exciting possibilities. Even if something goes wrong, successful people are able to see the good in the situation and capitalize on it.

It is common knowledge that most successful people have failed miserably somewhere along the line. Yet, rather than see defeat as a permanent condition, these people were able to see that, as Miss Scarlett said, "Tomorrow is a new day!" and then plunge positively into the future.

It should be noted that not all of the 10 characteristics are "inborn." Some, if not all, can be learned and cultivated. But the message is clear success is no accident. Success comes to those who are prepared for it and who are working toward it. May you have a successful New Year filled with achievement and happiness.

[Father David Epps is Rector of Christ the King Church in Peachtree City. He may be contacted at, or visit his website at]

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