Wednesday, January 3, 2001

Leaders want regional water authority

The Metro Atlanta Chamber and the Regional Business Coalition recently endorsed The Clean Water Initiative to address wastewater capacity and stormwater runoff problems.

Over the last six months, a diverse Task Force of regional leaders including business people, environmentalists and elected officials have gathered facts, identified solutions and recommended a structure.

Late last year, the Clean Water Task Force approved a proposal calling for the creation of the Metro Atlanta Water Planning District. This district would be a planning district responsible for policy, planning and intergovernmental coordination for regional stormwater, wastewater, water supply and water supply management.

Responsibilities include:

·Develop regional and watershed-specific plans covering wastewater and stormwater management, water supply and conservation.

·Review existing plans and ordinances and develop regionally consistent policies, model ordinances and minimum standards of performance.

·Coordinate an effective regional water quality monitoring program and database among local, state and federal agencies.

·Develop regional water conservation strategy and programs.

·Develop measurable short-term and long-term goals for water quality and conservation improvement.

·Establish water-related education programs and support the efforts of community watershed groups.

The group will present its proposal to the General Assembly this year.

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