Wednesday, November 22, 2000

Why would big boxes want to locate where they're unwanted?

Our developer-friendly Peachtree City Council members (Dan Tennant is the only one not a developer puppet) have voted to allow Home Depot and Wal-Mart to build, but one question remains unanswered: why would those companies want to build where they are not wanted?

Citizens came out in droves to meetings and countless letters were written in opposition, yet these companies persisted. Why?

They obviously think we are mindless sheep who will set aside our consciences and principles as soon as their building is done and spend our money in their stores. I think they have underestimated the caliber of people who live in Peachtree City.

From the day I read about the Home Depot vote until the day I die I will never spend another cent at a Home Depot store. I averaged between $800-$1,000 a year with them, but no more. Years ago I would keep a list and make major buying trips over to Morrow because it was the closest Home Depot to Peachtree City. That was not a problem. Driving to Fayetteville was a piece of cake after that. Now my cry is, "Peachtree City goes to Lowes."

I think it was the mental visual I had after the vote that was most irritating. I could just see the Home Depot representatives going into their headquarters the next day and getting "high fives" from their bosses and bragging about how they shoved their store down our throats. I do not believe they realize what is coming their way.

There are already multitudes, like me, boycotting these two stores. I will be very surprised if we do not have numerous pickets marching in front of these stores the minute they open. We have many small businesses that have served us these years and we will not allow them to be run out of town by unwanted big boxes.

One last thing. Do not let the Wal-Mart vote fool you. Annie McMenamin voted against it, but that does not change all the other pro-developer/high density voting she has done in the past. She is posturing for a run for mayor. She knew there were three votes on the other side so she could vote with Dan and make her look noble. She is not.

Bill Webster

Peachtree City

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