Wednesday, November 22, 2000

Shame on Gore, Democrats, Florida for disqualifying 1,400 military ballots

Enough already! Like most Americans, I've watched with ambivalence the controversy surrounding the election of the single most important political office in the world, the presidency of the United States.

I'm truly saddened and embarrassed that the citizens of this great nation have turned one of their most important individual freedoms (the right to vote) over to a band of high-paid, stop-at-nothing, win-at-all-costs attorneys!

There have been many low blows recorded since election day, by both parties, under the auspices of "what is in the best interest of the people." However, the latest salvo to exclude approximately 1,400 military absentee ballots from military personnel cannot, should not be tolerated.

As a former United States Marine and Vietnam veteran, I cannot remain silent any longer! The Democratic Party has campaigned for the right of Floridians to be heard, based upon confusing ballots, uncounted machine votes, pregnant chad, etc. How then can this same party deny overseas military personnel the right to vote for the president of the United States, who will be their commander in chief?

We just celebrated the 225th birthday of the senior service, the USMC, Nov. 10, and Veteran's Day, Nov. 11. Let us not forget that these servicemen and women are those special individuals who are and have been willing to put themselves in harm's way and ultimately give their lives for this country so that we can continue to enjoy the freedoms and rights that we sometimes take for granted specifically, the right to vote!

Now, Florida officials have discarded more than 1,400 overseas ballots, most lacking a postmark (which Florida law requires). Most of those ballots were cast by military personnel, because federal law requires the military to mail absentee ballots for free, meaning they have no postmark. Where is our sense of decency? Where is our sense of fair play? Where is our sense of outrage?

Shame on you, Florida! Shame on you, Democratic Party! Shame on you, Gore! And finally, shame, shame, shame on any American that does not say, "Enough already!"

God bless America, and please save us from our inept legal system!

H.R. "Russ" Gausman

Peachtree City

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