Wednesday, November 22, 2000

Sen. Cleland, will you support military vote?

If what is coming out of Florida is correct, the Democratic Party should be totally ashamed of itself. Precluding ballots submitted by the military serving this country overseas is the last straw. We have seen the Rev. Jesse Jackson lead demonstrations in Florida to preclude disenfranchising blacks. Who will represent the military, if not you?

As a 30-year veteran, I find this trick appalling, and can never forget what "Team Gore" has done. Was also deeply disappointed in Senator Bob Kerry's fix today "Take it to court!"

Sen. Cleland, these men and women are overseas! They cannot go to the corner post office and talk the postal official into making sure the postmark fits the rules of a bureaucrat. For the past eight years, many of them have been on food stamps. They have had their capability cut. They have not been funded to modernize their forces. They have been sent on missions, away from their families, that were very questionable (Haiti and Somalia as an examples).

And now they have their absentee ballots thrown out! Mr. Gore wants "pregnant chads," "dimple chads," "every vote counted", "no one disenfranchised." How about the military? How can he serve as commander in chief?

We have seen a brain drain in the office corps the past eight years. Check the stats on officer shortages in the active services today. How do you think this latest ruling is going to play within the ranks in the future?

The reason I am coming to you is the fact that Congress has the responsibility of "raising and maintaining Armies." I think the entire debacle is pathetic, but now we are on the road to show the world our dirty laundry (two weeks after the fact and we are still counting? Senator, this is 2000! What do you think our adversaries are thinking?) Our troops need support from leaders like you not Gore lawyers. They will not be able to fight their case in court as Bob Kerry suggested which in my view is a cop-out!

If Mr. Gore can get "pregnant chads," seems to me that soldiers, sailors, airmen and marines can get one vote they cast. You have been in the jungle and the bush. Bet you did not take your absentee ballot to a local post office to make sure all of the "i's" were dotted and the "t's" were crossed. They were not available! That is why an absentee ballot!

The bigger issue if this absentee ballot is not resolved in favor of servicemen and women, is how in the world will Mr. Gore be able to lead as commander in chief? Who will trust him, believe in him, serve under him? Or, will we continue to see brain drains? It is in the Congress' hands constitutionally.

In a way, I hate putting you on the spot, for I believe you are a great American. But, you folks put Gore in this position. He should have won hands down given the economy, but could not even carry his own state. Now I see why!

This is an issue that I feel the Senate needs to address immediately not after the fact.

Last recommendation that I would make is that you recommend to Mr. Gore to stay off TV. His hypocrisy, sanctimony, and arrogance is not helping his case.

Jack C. Wheeler


[Editor's note: Wheeler is general manager of The Citizen Newspapers and a retired major general, U.S. Army.]

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