Wednesday, November 15, 2000

Recount situation probably brings no more than a yawn in Heaven

Religion Columnist

Take heart. God has not left his office. He does not stand for reelection. Regardless what happens in the course of events in the United States, God has not abandoned his throne.

God is not waiting for a recount, nor confirmation of ballots cast. In fact, God has never distributed any ballots. He never printed any nor envisioned such. God has never and will never put himself up for election.

God does not depend upon his popularity to get things done in Washington, Moscow, or Jerusalem. He does not spend time and money on opinion polls or think tanks. Most truly, he just does not care what most of the world thinks.

God does not wait for political favors to present new mercies every morning. He did not wait for a swing in popularity before he swung into action for humankind. He did not have to leave the throne room of heaven, but he did for you and me. He did not wait for you and me to fall in love or in like with him before he did something supernatural for us. In other words, we did not have to vote for him and still he gave us an appointment.

God does not care much about your vote, but he cares about your heart. He grieves when he sees you and me not taking full advantage of the joyful life he won for us. You see, God did not go on the campaign trail for admiration and loyalty from you and me. He simply conceded. He conceded his life in a desperate, but successful attempt to set our hearts aright.

God is not so much interested in bringing Democrats, Republicans, Libertarians, and Greens together as he is interested in bringing the hearts of the children back to their fathers and the hearts of the fathers back to their children. God's number one issue is the heart, not Medicare, taxes, prescription drugs, or whatever Bush and Gore are talking in the wind about. God goes to the heart of the matter.

Yes, for America, the issue is our heart. The hearts of individuals and the heart and soul of a nation. Will the condition of our hearts be truly reflected by litigants in courthouses on Florida, Wisconsin, Iowa, etc?

I am so thankful that my eternal disunity is not up for a recount. I am so blessed that my daily joy is not subject to another vote. Indeed, the blessings and promises of God are "yes, yes."

Lot of folks are saying we are seeing history made. What they mean is that when the history of the 2000 election is read, it will be interesting reading. Yet, I wonder what kind of attention the whole ordeal is getting in heaven. I bet it's a yawn. After all, of all the presidents who have sat in office, none of them has affected the cosmos as the one single, solitary life of a Palestinian Jew. Guess who?

Rev. Dr. John Hatcher is pastor of River's Edge

Community Church in Fayetteville.

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