Wednesday, November 15, 2000

4 people against entire city

I am appalled that the majority of our city council members feel it necessary to allow "big box" retailers into Peachtree City. When my husband and I moved here from overcrowded Marietta, we were under the impression that Peachtree City, being a "planned" community, would grow at such a rate that traffic, crime and overall congestion would not be an issue.

We liked driving across town in less than 10 minutes, feeling safe any time of day while walking on the pathways and felt confident that this is a nice place to raise our children.

Since then, we have witnessed rapid growth in residential construction, the addition of a low-income apartment complex down the street from where we live, and an alarming rate of retail construction, including the possibility of superstores as Wal-Mart and Home Depot.

Last week's arrest of a 22-year-old child molester should be a wake-up call to Peachtree City residents. We do not live in a bubble. Our nice, safe, innocent town can change in no time flat and become just like any other suburb of Atlanta. Overdevelopment, especially in the retail segment, can and will attract more people from outside the city limits, bringing not only traffic but crime problems as well.

From what I've learned from speaking with other Peachtree City residents and reading the news, there are four people in town in favor of the "big box" retailers: Mayor Bob Lenox, City Council members Carol Fritz and Robert Brooks, and the gentleman that no longer wants to drive to Fayetteville on Saturdays with his wife.

Given the public outrage and overall concern at the negative consequences on our town, how can four people have such an impact? It's clear that the majority of residents do not want this type of overdevelopment to continue. We must pull together and maintain the quality of life we have all come to enjoy here in Peachtree City.

Dori Talbott

Peachtree City

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