Wednesday, November 8, 2000

Last-minute PTC deal raises many questions

It's odd that following a recent series of articles from the AJC regarding how homes in Peachtree City and Fayette County are the hottest tickets in the Metro-Atlanta area, that the City Council gave the go-ahead for four big box stores (including the possible big box ordinance exemptions).

Do we need to ask why Peachtree City has the highest median sales price for new construction with an above average resale rate? Do we really need to wonder why these new home buyers are not moving to the towns with big boxes and better access to the interstate highways?

The passage of the Wal-Mart site plan was literally a miraculous event. The City Council's staff packages stated that Wal-Mart could not pass the traffic impact ordinance and denial was the recommended action. A mere 20 minutes prior to the meeting, the City Council members received a new magical package that stated that Wal-Mart had suddenly met the criteria for the traffic impact ordinance.

Who brokered this new deal? Rick Lindsey. Who approved this last minute deal? Ed Ellis, traffic consultant. Was either of those persons in attendance at the council meeting? No.

Was there a motion to table the item due to new last minute discoveries? Yes, it was defeated. Did the testimony given in the council meeting amount to hearsay? Yes.

Why are appeals never sent back to the Planning Commission when the plan is altered or new data surfaces? Ask Bob Lenox, Bob Brooks and Carol Fritz.

Will this council decision be appealed? Probably. Could we see even more damage to our quality of life before the November 2001 election? You decide.

If you oppose the big boxes in Peachtree City, please write me a note stating, "I oppose the big boxes in Peachtree City" and include your name, signature, address and phone number. My address is 148 Terrane Ridge. My phone number is 770-487-7790.

We are now witnessing the Lenox, Brooks and Fritz version of a "planned city." If you do not like their changes, please add your name to the list. If you feel that the council is pandering to special interests and leaving their constituency in the cold, it's time to add your name to the list.

Steve Brown

Peachtree City

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