Wednesday, November 8, 2000

Let council find attorney who will stand up for PTC

Councilman Dan Tennant, thanks for your good fight. Do not stop now. What other steps can we take to recapture our city away from the developers, such as PCDC (sorry, I mean Pathway and Mr. Black)?

Held hostage over the sewer system, and now over retail outlets not needed or wanted in Peachtree City, it may be time for a frontal effort. Perhaps some communication with the Home Depot and Wal-Mart firms can bring some consideration from them. Perhaps an agreement by a large population of our city to boycott the two businesses will help them understand the desire to not have the buildings in Peachtree City.

Obviously, for such a move to be effective, a major effort to educate and gain the involvement of our citizens is needed. As I understand it, the Planning Commission made a recommendation to reject the Wal-Mart proposal. So, along with yourself, part of our city government is attempting to function in the best interest of the population.

Perhaps the court is a place to hear such issues. Can the people (city) control what happens within our borders? Why not test that? If the City Attorney objects to taking it to court, then let us hire another attorney. There are plenty of them around, and at cheaper prices!

Stay the course!

Will D. Rogers

Peachtree City

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