Wednesday, November 1, 2000

Ode to Peachtree City

After having just read the latest installment of Peachtree City's own version of "As Our World Turns," and the allegations against Dan Tennant, it got me thinking.

These allegations, as well as Tennant's version, are quite serious. Whom should we believe? Based on the mayor and town council's actions and attitudes towards the desires of the residents of Peachtree City, it's a no-brainer. These people have an agenda. Tennant, on the other hand, has been a fly in their ointment.

The nerve of him to gasp keep his campaign promises and stick up for the wishes of the majority!

Anyway, since I do my best thinking lying in bed, I took a nap. The following is my rhyme describing the situation:

Looking from the outside,

Peachtree City's a friendly town,

'Til its residents speak their minds,

Then its politicians frown.

When big interests and big money

Enticed the mayor and his crew,

Despite the citizen's protests,

The city (and buildings) grew!

Then in walked a guy named Dan

Who upset their apple cart.

Politicians' toes were stepped on

And then Dan's problems start.

Now one guy says this,

And one gal says that.

Now instead of the town's business,

We're reading of a spat.

So whom should we believe?

The citizens must decide.

The mayor and his cronies?

Or Dan who's on your side?

So Dan fights an uphill battle

Standing up for the citizens on his own.

Which leads me to conclude:

Thank God I live in Tyrone!

Dave Buck


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