The Fayette Citizen-Weekend Page
Wednesday, September 27, 2000
House Red has another winner


Before going to see "A Night Of Visits" at Baci Italian Cuisine, check with your doctor to see if it safe to laugh hysterically while eating a plate of pasta. The two one act plays, performed by the House Red Theater Company, will definitely have you laughing, so at least be sure to chew your food thoroughly.

The first play, "Norma and Robert Get A Visit" is a laugh a minute piece written by Stuart Fail and directed by Michelle Roy-Fail. The play focuses on Norma and Robert Farmer, possibly the most politically incorrect people on the planet. The things they say may shock at first, but the extent of their buffoonery is cartoonish and not to be taken seriously. Norma and Robert put out tons of comic energy and have enough great lines to keep you laughing to next week, but the biggest scene stealer in the play is Craig DeLorenzo as Japanese exchange student, Masako. DeLorenzo's facial expressions are priceless during all of Robert's tirades and he pulls the character off exceptionally well.

The second piece, "For Whom The Southern Belle Tolls", is written by Christopher Durang and directed once again by Roy-Fail. It is a dead on parody of Tennessee Williams "The Glass Menagerie" and is just as twisted as the first play of the evening. Every actor hits their mark playing the delightfully absurd characters and the writing is absolutely wonderful.

House Red keeps their winning streak alive with "A Night Of Visits", as they bring a different and important form of theater to Fayette County, an adult form. The material is meant for older audiences, though it would be appropriate for high school students. Make your resrvations fast, as space for upcoming shows are limited.

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